
“Follow The Story” Cards

Connect the Bible stories from one session to the next

Shine curriculum’s “Follow the Story” Cards introduce children and teachers alike to the Bible story in any given session. “Follow the Story” Cards summarizes content from one session to another, helping everyone make connections between the Bible stories. Children who miss a session or a teacher who starts mid-quarter can quickly “catch up” without feeling left out.

Teachers introduce the session’s Bible story by following a short script on the “Follow the Story” Cards. They then arrange the cards using a diagram provided in the teacher’s guide. This diagram helps show family relationships and the progression of biblical events. If teachers do not have space to lay out the cards, they are encouraged to simply show each card as they read the script and then lay it faceup in a pile.

Each beautifully illustrated card allows teachers to make helpful connections between the stories and identify common threads throughout the Bible.

Key Features:

It is essential that every child and every teacher understands how the Bible stories relate to each other. In less than 2 minutes per session, you can use the “Follow the Story” Cards to make that happen!

*Note that this tutorial was created when the age levels included Primary, Older Elementary, and Multiage. Those age levels were replaced with the Elementary age level in 2021.

“Follow The Story” Card Tutorial