
Bible Outlines

Scope and Sequence

Shine takes your children and youth through important themes and characters in the Bible in three years.

Bible Outlines

Click on the Bible outlines below to view or download. Outlines show each quarter’s subthemes and the scripture text and Faith Link for each session. Faith Links provide direction and focus for the session.

Fall 2023–Winter 2023-24–Spring 2024 Bible Outlines
Fall 2024–Winter 2024-25–Spring 2025 Bible Outlines
Fall 2025–Winter 2025-26–Spring 2026 Bible Outlines
Current: Seeking Justice Together Bible Outline
Current: Seeking God Together Bible Outline
Current: Seeking Peace Together Bible Outline
Learn more about Current Curriculum
Generation Why Session Titles and Scriptures
Generation Why in Scripture Order
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