Read Matthew 14:13‑21
We read in many of the Gospel accounts that Jesus, like the rest of us, needed time to get away, time to refresh and renew himself. In Matthew 14, he left the place where he had been teaching, got into a boat, and went to a deserted place to be alone. Unfortunately, the people learned of his departure and followed on foot. When he went ashore, he was greeted by another large crowd. They wanted to hear him teach or possibly get close enough to touch him so that he would heal their illnesses.
Tired and overwhelmed, Jesus saw the sick people, those who were hungering and thirsting for God’s Word, and he was moved to compassion. He walked into the crowd and began healing them. What a sight that must have been. Already drained and exhausted, he pressed on, giving more of himself to help those who needed him.
As the sun began to set, the disciples knew that Jesus needed rest. They also realized that they were in the middle of nowhere. “We need to stop,” they told Jesus. “We need to send these people back to their homes, or at least into the towns where they can get something to eat.” But Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “They don’t need to leave. You give them something to eat.”
The disciples were baffled. “What? You’re kidding, right? All we have is some bread and fish.” “You give them something to eat,” Jesus told them. Why? Why didn’t he just do it? Why not just turn the rocks into bread or call for manna to fall from heaven? Why get the disciples involved?
Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” This story is not about a crowd of hungry people. It is not about bread and fish. Jesus’ command to the disciples is about them. And it is about us. It is about looking past the problem and seeing the opportunity to love and serve.
“You give them something to eat.”
Through your ministry of teaching, you are giving the children and youth in your care the nourishment of God’s Word. It often requires sacrifice. Jesus gave of himself when it was not convenient for him. He needed free time, down time, and time away. What he did instead was serve and invited his disciples to do the same.
There are many opportunities where we can serve and share God’s love. The ministry of teaching is one of the most important, but sometimes it seems like a thankless job. The children get restless during story time, the youth seem disinterested in the lesson, or the media connection won’t load. Like the disciples in Matthew’s Gospel, we are called to look past the logistical problems and the ups and downs of teaching, and share the love of God with our children and youth.
Jesus calls and feeds us, then invites us to turn to the crowds and give them something to eat. We have the loaves and fishes. When we give of ourselves in faith, we can do far more than we can ever imagine.
The Shine Team wants to remind you that your ministry of teaching is valued and appreciated. Thank you for giving them “something to eat.”